Hello, let’s talk

We're here to help. If you need support, notice something wrong, or want to talk, email us at help@aicareercoach.org.

If you have questions about partnering and using Coach with your institution, view our Partner page or reach out to our team at help@aicareercoach.org.

What is AI?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) allows computers to learn from past experience, enabling them to practice making a decision or taking a guess millions and millions of times until it gets good. Computer scientists use data to train an AI. They use different types of information to train computers to do almost anything through practice.

For instance, Coach analyzes millions and millions of resumes, cover letters, and applications to offer you advice on how to make your resume more effective and successful. But you need to take this technology with a grain of salt; it has some critical limitations. When analyzing the data, computers make a lot of decisions, and sometimes those decisions go wrong. Also, AI learns from past experiences.

So, AI doesn't know everything; it can make mistakes, have biases, and create false and misleading texts that spread incorrect ideas. Because we know AI can make mistakes, we need to develop and use it responsibly. 

At CareerVillage, we are committed to building responsible and ethical AI tools. Coach is delimited and specifically designed to respond to education and career development questions and is the product of a collaboration with sector experts, ensuring the relevance of its content. Additionally, we have built a robust content monitoring system where our staff reviews any content that does not comply with our guidelines and takes appropriate action accordingly. 

(Explanation based on aiEDU) 

To learn more about artificial intelligence, watch the video below or head to aiEDU.

Common Sense Education

Frequently asked questions

  • Coach can remember key information you share about your career development journey to enhance and personalize your experience using Coach. This information is only available to you and if applicable, the educator who invited you. For full transparency, in Settings, you can review and edit what Coach has saved on its memory or entirely deactivate this feature.

  • Coach has several use cases and can be used either as part of a group or individually. In each case, Coach is designed to meet you where you’re at in your career development journey. Coach's activities range from general career exploration to specific mock interviews and much more.

  • The team is building multilingual support so that you can use the platform in multiple languages in the future. In the meantime, Coach is pretty good at speaking many languages, so if you’d prefer to chat in a different language, request it to Coach in the activity chat.

  • Your feedback is invaluable. Please share your suggestions by clicking the Feedback tab on the left sidebar or by completing the “Suggest an activity” activity. You can also upvote or downvote everything Coach says and provide feedback directly within the chat.

  • Coach was built by the team at CareerVillage.org.

    CareerVillage is a nonprofit organization with a mission to democratize access to career information and advice for underrepresented people. Our goal is to empower individuals with the knowledge, tools, and communities they deserve to start successful careers. Our community supports individuals in their career journeys, offering them opportunities to grow their social capital through a network of advisors who have been in their shoes. Our ultimate reason for existence is to build a more equitable and inclusive economy.

    Before founding Coach, the team built the CareerVillage.org Q&A site, where we crowdsource answers to every question from every student about every career, serving career advice to 8.5 million people across 190 countries with the help of over 150,000 volunteers. The platform offers space for learners (of all ages and stages in their career journeys) to ask any question about any career and receive on-demand answers from professionals registered as volunteers on their platform.

    Coach was designed collaboratively alongside a coalition of more than 20 career development organizations, each contributing to testing and development of the platform. Additionally, Coach is nurtured by a continuous flow of feedback from partner organizations, educators, and learners.

  • Coach works by leveraging the latest and greatest large language models (LLMs) and our educational resource database to support individuals in their career development journeys. It’s like the “resource binder” that sits in the guidance counseling office. But Coach’s resource binder has thousands of entries in it, and Coach can handle matching the right resources to the right learners at the right time.

  • Coach is trained to prioritize resources and information developed and/or identified by our coalition of career development institutions.

    Coach has guided career development activities based on research and expert guidance. Rather than a general chatbot experience, Coach guides learners through structured activities that lead to career development and/or actionable career guidance.

    Coach is built to measure career readiness.

    Coach is built for use in educational contexts with robust moderation and data controls that lower the risk of hallucination, inaccurate information, and inappropriate use.

  • Yes! Please fill out the short form on our Partner page to get more information on how to get started.

  • Our pricing model follows a few core principles:

    Free to Individuals: For individual users, Coach is and always will be 100% free. For a free educator account, please reach out to help@aicareercoach.org

    Affordability for Institutions: We work hard to keep our costs low and quality high. Right now it costs us a few cents for a user to complete an activity. This includes the following expenses: server hosting, API calls, and monitoring costs. We’ll continue to keep our costs low as we scale and are open to making humanitarian exceptions when institutional budgets are too limiting.

    Cost Transparency: Our pricing follows a cost-plus model that is based on the volume of activity in addition to the cost incurred for our staff to support partners with high fidelity.

    If you are an institution (ie: K12 district, postsecondary, nonprofit, etc.), please fill out the short form on our Partner page to discuss pricing for your organization.

  • If you have questions about using the platform, please reach out to us at help@aicareercoach.org. Questions about partnering or using Coach at your school? Fill out the short form on our Partner page.