Responsibly developed, safe to use, and safe for your data

Three college students working together at a white table, with a laptop between them

Our commitment to the responsible and ethical development of Coach

The development of Coach is guided by eight principles that prioritize human empowerment, ethical engagement, inclusivity, and responsible innovation. We refer to these eight principles as our Responsible AI Framework. We will iterate as we learn.

Human-Centeredness: We prioritize the human experience in AI development and firmly believe that AI is not a replacement for teachers, guidance counselors, or other types of career development but rather an accessible tool to supplement learning.

AI Literacy: We aim to educate users about the capabilities and applications of AI, empowering them to leverage generative AI as a constructive part of their career paths and daily lives.

Co-Design: We work with various stakeholders and beneficiaries in the design process in order to create culturally competent AI solutions that are deeply aligned with users' unique needs.

Explainability and Interpretability: We ensure underlying mechanics of our AI tools are understandable to non-experts, fostering trust and more informed engagement with the technology.

Inclusiveness, Fairness, and Anti-bias: We actively work to ensure that AI does not exacerbate existing disparities but contributes positively to societal equity.

Monitoring: We regularly evaluate AI tools to guarantee that they remain aligned with our ethical commitments and that any issues or biases are promptly addressed.

Transparency: By providing clear insights into how our AI models function, we facilitate informed interaction with the technology and inspiration for the sector at large.

Safety & Privacy: We are committed to user privacy and safety in order to ensure that all personal data is handled with the utmost care, complying with best practices and regulatory guidelines.

Coach is safe to use, with robust monitoring and moderation

For quality and safety assurance, we have systems in place for both content moderation and system monitoring. These include multiple ‘human in the loop’ moments.

Content Moderation

Includes checks and review of both user-generated and AI-generated content.

To learn more about our approach to content moderation, see our Guidelines for Use.

Automated checks
Advanced algorithms rigorously screen content

Coach staff review
Our staff vets and validates content

Instructor review
Flagged user content is sent to educator for review

Independent expert review
Coalition and AI Advisory Board bring diverse expertise

System Monitoring

Tracking quality metrics related to information inputs, outputs, and technical capacity.

Model performance
Monitoring the LLM for information quality, including accuracy, readability, relevance, and comprehensiveness

Technical capacity
Latency, throughput, and server usage tracking to ensure high-quality experience

Educational Resource Database (ERD) monitoring
Ensuring ERD resources and data are structured for use, up-to-date and functional

Coach is safe for your data

At Coach, we take data security seriously and keep your information safe. Here's how we protect your data and empower you to control it.

  • We protect your data: The information you provide is used securely to help you with your career.

  • We're transparent: We tell you exactly what data we collect and how we use it. You're always in control.

  • We follow the rules: We handle your data carefully, following all the laws and best practices, including FERPA requirements.

  • We keep it safe: We use strong security measures to protect your information.

  • You're in charge: You can choose what data we use and even delete it all if you want.

  • We don't sell your data: We never sell or trade your information, ever.

  • You control your marketing: You can choose which emails you get from us.

For more detailed information, please refer to our privacy policy.